<aside> đź“Ś This is the Data Dictionary, a document designed to track the various data elements, both standard and custom, for a Salesforce environment. This document can also be used to establish a governance program, setting the standard for what data elements can be used for, how reporting should work, and much more.


<aside> 💡 To add a new object, simply click the “Add a XX Object” button.


Standard Objects


Field Label API Type Description Standard/Custom Sample Value/Format Comments
Account Name Name Name The name of the account Standard ACME Inc
Account Number AccountNumber Text(40) A standard field to track the record Standard ACC-0000001
Account Owner OwnerId Lookup(User) The owner of an Account record Standard USERID
Account Site Site Text(80) Used for when an Account has multiple locations Standard Headquarter
Account Source AccountSource Picklist The source of the Account Standard LinkedIn, Purchased List
Anual Revenue AnnualRevenue Currency(18,0) The revenue of an Account over a fiscal year Standard $18,000,000.00
Billing Address BillingAddress Address The billing address Standard 25 Main St., New York City, New York 11111
Clean Status CleanStatus Picklist Used to evaluate data quality Standard Not Compared
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) The user that created the Account record Standard USERID
Description Description Long Text Area(32000) A description of the Account Standard “Headquarters for ACME Inc, an explosives manufacturing organization”
Employees NumberOfEmployees Number(8,0) The number of employees an Account employees Standard 4,000
Industry Industry Picklist The Industry an Account falls in Standard Telecommunications
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) The user that made the latest modification to a record Standard USERID
NAICS Code NaicsCode Text(8) The NAICS code category the Account record falls in Standard 441
Parent Account ParentId Hierarchy This is a lookup to another account record and indicates that this account record is part of a larger organization Standard ACME Inc
Phone Phone Phone This is the phone number for the account and is usually a publicly accessible number, such as a support or HQ Standard 1-800-555-5559
Shipping Address ShippingAddress Address This is the shipping address of the account record Standard 25 Main St., New York City, New York 11111
SIC Code Sic Text(20) SIC is the Standard Industrial Classification system used to represent different industries Standard 200
SIC Description SicDesc Text(80) The description of the SIC Code Standard Agriculture
Type Type Picklist The type of account as it pertains to your org Standard Prospect, Competitor, Customer
Website Website URL(255) The public website for the account Standard https://www.google.com


Field Label API Type Description Standard/Custom Sample Value/Format Comments
Account Name AccountId Lookup(Account) The account record this contact belongs to Standard ACCOUNTID
Birthdate Birthdate Date The date of birth of the contact Standard 1/22/1980
Clean Status CleanStatus Picklist Used to evaluate data quality Standard Not Compared
Contact Owner OwnerId Lookup(User) The owner of the contact Standard USERID
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) The users that created the contact record Standard USERID
Department Department Text(80) The department the Contact works in Standard Operations, Sales
Description Description Long Text Area(32000) A description of the Contact Standard “This individual runs the Operations department of ACME Inc.”
Do Not Call DoNotCall Checkbox Used to filter out those contacts that request no contact Standard TRUE
Email Email Email The email address of the contact Standard [email protected]
Email Opt Out HasOptedOutOfEmail Checkbox This indicates a user has elected to not receive emails Standard TRUE
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) The user that last edited the record Standard USERID
Lead Source LeadSource Picklist The source which provided the lead Standard Webinar
Mailing Address MailingAddress Address The mailing address of the account record Standard 25 Main St., New York City, New York 11111
Mobile MobilePhone Phone The mobile phone number of the contact record Standard 555-555-5559
Name Name Name The name of the contact record Standard George Lopez
Other Address OtherAddress Address An alternate address for the contact record Standard 114 Left Lane, Newark, NJ 07101
Other Phone OtherPhone Phone An alternate phone number for the contact record Standard 555-555-5589
Phone Phone Phone The primary phone number for the contact record Standard 555-555-5588
Pronouns Pronouns Picklist The identified pronoun of the contact Standard He/Him
Reports To ReportsToId Lookup(Contact) The contact this individual reports to Standard Jessica Simon
Title Title Text(128) The professional title of the contact record Standard Vice President, Sales


Field Label API Type Description Standard/Custom Sample Value/Format Comments
Address Address Address The physical address of the lead Standard 114 Left Lane, Newark, NJ 07101
Annual Revenue AnnualRevenue Currency(18,0) The annual revenue of the previous FY Standard $105,000,000.00
Clean Status CleanStatus Picklist Used to evaluate data quality Standard Not Compared
Company Company Text(255) The name of the company Standard ACME Inc
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) The users that created the lead record Standard USERID
Description Description Long Text Area(32000) A description of the lead Standard “This lead was generated from the trade show and is interested in X product”
Do Not Call DoNotCall Checkbox This indicates the lead has requested to not be contacted Standard TRUE
Email Email Email The primary email address for the lead Standard [email protected]
Industry Industry Picklist The industry the lead is in Standard Higher Education
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) The user that last edited the record Standard USERID
Lead Owner OwnerId Lookup(User,Group) The user or group that currently owns the Lead record Standard USERID / GROUPID
Lead Source LeadSource Picklist The source of the lead Standard Tradeshow
Lead Status Status Picklist The current status of the lead Standard Accepted
Mobile MobilePhone Phone The mobile phone number of the lead Standard 555-555-5558
Name Name Name The name of the lead Standard Jessi Ortiz
No. of Employees NumberOfEmployees Number(8,0) The number of employees the lead’s company employs Standard 8,000
Phone Phone Phone The primary phone number for the lead Standard 555-555-5557
Pronouns Pronouns Picklist The identified pronoun of the lead Standard He/Him
Rating Rating Picklist The rating of the lead Standard Hot, Warm, Cold
Title Title Text(128) The professional title of the lead Standard
Website Website URL(255) The website of the lead’s company Standard https://www.facebook.com


Field Label API Type Description Standard/Custom Sample Value/Format Comments
Account AccountId Lookup(Account) The account record this opportunity belongs to Standard ACCOUNTID
Amount Amount Currency(16,2) The amount of revenue this Opportunity is worth Standard $175,000.00
Close Date CloseDate Date The date this opportunity is expected to close Standard 1/22/2023
Created By CreatedById Lookup(User) The users that created the opportunity record Standard USERID
Description Description Long Text Area(32000) A description of the opportunity Standard “This opportunity is for x amount of cartoon explosives for ACME Inc”
Expected Revenue ExpectedRevenue Currency(16,2) The Amount * Probability. Standard $50,000
Forecast Category ForecastCategoryName Picklist The category this opportunity is forecasted in Standard Pipeline, Expect, Commit
Last Modified By LastModifiedBy Lookup(User) The user that last edited the record Standard USERID
Lead Source LeadSource Picklist The source of the opportunity Standard Tradeshow
Next Step NextStep Text(255) This provides a quick description of what is up next for each deal in the pipeline Standard “Contracts discussion with customer”
Opportunity Name Name Text(120) The name of the opportunity Standard ACME - Cartoon Services
Opportunity Owner OwnerId Lookup(User) The user that currently owns the opportunity record Standard USERID
Opportunity Score IqScore Number(9,0) The score of the opportunity for orgs using Einstein scoring Standard 97
Price Book Pricebook2Id Lookup(Price Book) The price book used for this opportunity Standard RECORDID
Primary Campaign Source CampaignId Lookup(Campaign) The marketing campaign that influenced this opportunity the most Standard CAMPAIGN RECORDID
Private IsPrivate Checkbox Used to manage visibility criteria for sensitive opportunities Standard TRUE
Probability (%) Probability Percent(3,0) The probability that an opportunity will close. This is tied to the stage of the Opportunity. Standard 60%
Stage StageName Picklist The stage of the opportunity Standard Qualification, Negotiation
Type Type Picklist The type of opportunity Standard New Customer, Upsell, Renewal


Field Label API Type Description Standard/Custom Sample Value/Format Comments
Active IsActive Checkbox Designates whether the user record is active. If unchecked, the user will not be able to log into this account. Standard TRUE
Address Address Address The primary address for the user Standard 114 Left Lane, Newark, NJ 07101
Alias Alias Text(8) Auto-generated alias for the user. This is a shortened version of their usersname. Standard cmayn
Allow Forecasting ForecastEnabled Checkbox This allows a user to forecast Standard TRUE
Contact ContactId Lookup(Contact) The associated contact record for this user Standard CONTACTID This is often used when internal users need to be associated to records, such as contacts being assigned to projects, etc.
Delegated Approver DelegatedApproverId Lookup(User,Group) The user or group that is authorized to approve records on behalf of this user Standard USERID / GROUPID Typically used when a user goes on PTO or is Out of Office
Department Department Text(80) The department a user belongs to Standard Enterprise Sales
Division Division Text(80) The division a user belongs to Standard Sales
Language LanguageLocaleKey Picklist The primary language for the user Standard English (EN)
Manager ManagerId Hierarchy This is a lookup to another users that indicates the manager for this user Standard Laura Phillis
Name Name Name The name of this user Standard Ricky Bobby
Phone Phone Phone The primary phone for this user Standard 555-555-5588
Profile ProfileId Lookup(Profile) The profile for this user. Standard System Administrator
Role User Lookup(Role) The role for this user Standard Chief Financial Officer
Time Zone TimeZoneSidKey Picklist The time zone the user is located in Standard Eastern Standard
Title Title Text(80) The title of the user Standard Business Operations Manager
Username Username Text(80) The unique username for this user. Has to be in the format of an email address Standard [email protected]

Custom Objects